HLS Equipment

European Car Lifts, Car Stackers, Car Turntables and Goods Lifts

About Us

With over 10 years of specialist and product specific industry related experience,
our team can assist with every step from initial concept, through development application, construction certification
to detailed specification and product selection.
Like you, we love a polished result and support all customers in the installation and in service and maintenance support.

Project Scoping and Planning

Our team can review concepts or plans and provide insights and examples of project possibilities and available compliant solutions.

Strategic Insight and Innovation

We can provide support to create an innovative solution through thinking 'outside the box', an essential element when designing a modern home or residential complex.

Collaborative Planning

As your project gathers momentum and dives into detail, HLS will continue providing support to consultants and engineers navigating the challenges in the building environment.

Get In Touch!

Have a project you would like some guidance one?
Want to discuss the full range of options?
Complete the enquiry form below and one of our team will be in touch with you shortly.

Alternatively, send us an email: info@hlsequipment.com

Contact Request Form
